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Talent strategy isn’t a list of HR processes and activities; it is a serious, practical answer to a specific business question: 

"What do you need to do in order to engage, inspire and empower the talent you need to implement your business strategy successfully?"

We bring the latest thinking, genuine expertise and a proprietary organisation-mapping process to help you shape effective, context-specific responses to that question. For example... 


What does this business challenge demand of leaders in your business, now and in the future? Which capabilities will be critical to your success? How will you foster an entrepreneurial perspective and culture? How will you engage and inspire people with the imagination to identify opportunities and the ability to manage risk? What values and skills will be necessary to nurture trust in relationships and to build partnerships? How will you equip your leaders to empower fast-moving teams to design solutions and deliver results? In a highly networked-world, who in your organisation has - or can acquire - the contacts your business needs? Achieving profitable and sustainable growth requires an integrated approach that enables your business to generate value for the long term. 

Driving profitable growth in the banking industry - particularly now- is very different from achieving it in tech or in the pharmaceutical or retail industries.  Our consultants have worked in many industries at every level and, whatever your business, will work with you to identify the business capabilities  you need to drive profitable growth in your specific strategic context and operational environment. 

You're the experts on your business strategy and challenges; we're the experts on how to identify and develop the leaders who can achieve what you want them to achieve. Working together, we'll deliver.


Which business capabilities are critical to your success as a business now, and which will be important in the future? What are the consequences of failing to compete successfully in these areas? Who in your organisation is responsible for building and maintaining these capabilities? How strong are the leadership and talent pipelines in these areas? What additional talent management processes might help you build a sustainable competitive advantage in these critical capabilities? 

In an age of disruption and emerging technologies, only a truly strategic approach to talent management can ensure that you develop the business capabilities you need to achieve success. Using our proprietary processes we will work with you to map out the culture and operational environment you'll need to create in order to achieve your goals, and help you identify and develop the talent you need to create it. 


What should your future leaders be great at? What will the impact of AI and automation be on your industry over the next five years? How might Agile translate into your business? How will the emergence of platforms and eco-systems as preferred business models affect your industry? To what extent are demographic and cultural changes likely to affect the way your leaders will need to engage, inspire and empower people and teams? Where will they get the skills and knowledge they will need to navigate these futures? Where might they find the growth experiences that will be key to their ability to deliver in them? How will you engage and inspire the people who will lead your business into the mid-2020s? 

Engaging your key stakeholders in an informed conversation about the future of leadership in your business is crucial to answering these vital questions -  and to creating a winning talent strategy. We can help you structure and lead that conversation in a way that provides insight, builds credibility and wins trust, securing the freedom and funding you need to deliver a sustainable competitive advantage. 


The surest way to win is to change the rules of the game. What might you do to change the rules in your industry in such a way as to delight your customers and gain a meaningful advantage over your competitors? What Mission, values and leadership culture will help you envisage and bring into existence a future in which you are shaping the rules of the game rather than conforming to them? How might you leverage new ways of working and networking? What might a brilliant eco-system deliver for your customers? How might creating porous boundaries with independent talent help you not only achieve your goals, but raise your ambitions? 

We're experiencing a revolution in the way businesses do business. AI is automating many business-to-business services, SaaS is becoming ubiquitous, platforms and eco-systems abound. Where will your products and services live in this new landscape? Who are the people in your business - or outside of it - who can help you adapt as the strategic landscape around you evolves? People are the source of every new product and service and route to market you are ever going to find and enjoy. By listening to your vision for the future and working closely with you we can help you identify and develop the leaders and teams in your business most likely to make it happen.  


The business of the future is boundary-less. Such a business does not derive its sense of purpose, its mission, or its ability to compete solely from the resources and capabilities it owns, but increasingly from its ability to create, nurture, influence and focus the networks of which it is a part. This reality is evolving in key industries around the globe. The businesses that will excel in the future are, right now, identifying the organisational and leadership capabilities they need to create, maintain and lead superior ecosystems. 

You have insights into where your business is strong, and where you would benefit from engaging complementary capabilities; we can help you identify what it takes to create and deepen mutually-beneficial relationships with people and business who can help your business thrive. We know what it takes for leaders to establish rapport and build trust and openness. We can help the critical people in your business develop their relationship-building, influencing and negotiation skills necessary to create the ecosystem you need.  


The global landscape is changing politically, economically, technologically and sociologically. One thing will not change: people with talents will choose to work where they can live their passion and fulfill their potential. Great leaders know that their task is to create an  opportunity-rich learning environment for talented people, and that by engaging, inspiring and empowering their teams they are constantly expanding the boundaries of what is possible for their business. They also know that the best way to achieve this is by maintaining the mind-set of a coach, and building the skills associated with it. 

In other words, truly empowering leaders are great coaches. They stimulate thinking and generate fresh perspectives every way they can, and especially by expanding the perspectives and problem-solving skills of their colleagues and partners. Coaching conversations are one of the most powerful methods of developing and empowering people, and great leaders create opportunities to initiate these conversations daily. Enabling your leaders to develop a coaching mindset and establishing expectations and norms around empowering leadership will transform your culture and unlock potential across your entire business. 


Research suggests that the next generation of leaders will emerge from a cohort that is values-driven, rather than career-oriented; one that increasingly finds fulfillment in autonomy and meaning, and in the admiration of their peers. Many want to be entrepreneurs running their own businesses, rather than working up the corporate ladder in yours. What do you offer that might convince them your business is worth their time? How can you help them develop a sense of genuine ownership and autonomy? Do opportunities exist to partner with smaller businesses? To experiment? To mentor? How might you engage and empower aspiring entrepreneurs to leverage your data, your expertise and your scale? Embracing creativity, creating networks and dissolving boundaries might help you unlock sufficient ingenuity and entrepreneurial spirit to infuse your business with the excitement, energy and initiative of a start-up. The age of disruption is just beginning. When you think about your business, is it disrupting, or about to be disrupted? 


Business leaders who want to succeed in a globalized economy must be able to build trust and teamwork with people from many different cultures. If they want to fulfill the potential of their organization they must also be able to develop and leverage the synergies that flow from diversity of all kinds. What can you do to ensure that you enable your leaders and teams to work seamlessly by truly valuing – and leveraging – diverse perspectives, experience and priorities? Inclusion isn't a numbers game; it's a genuine understanding, respect and collaborating game. What are the skills you need to win it, and how will you build these skills - and the right mindset and values - into the right places in your business? 


How can you help your leaders maximize the return on the resources you entrust to them? What can you do to ensure you extract the maximum value from each and every process, project and venture in your business? What skills and knowledge do your leaders need in order to continuously identify, develop and implement efficiencies? A combination of structured analytical processes, focused creativity and agile execution are likely to yield significant cost savings. Do you have the leaders and teams you need to create and implement it? How might you identify the people most likely to be temperamentally suited to this specific task? What can you do to help them strike the best possible balance between maintaining continuous improvement, empowering their people, and maintaining consistency of process? 


How well does your business implement great ideas, new processes, products and services? What do you do to ensure project teams are equipped to define, develop and deliver as quickly and accurately as you need them to? How well do they collaborate with the wider organisation and external partners? How do you intend to get from where you are to where you need to be? However brilliant your strategy may be, it is unlikely to deliver success if it is poorly executed. Helping your leaders develop the ability to execute swiftly and accurately is a critical requirement in markets moving at ever-increasing pace. Having a talent strategy that delivers that capability is crucial.


Leadership is a journey that involves critical transitions, from front line management up through leading leaders and finally to leading businesses. In global businesses it often requires leaders (and their families) to spend time in different geographies. What does your business do to help your leaders and their families make these critical transitions successfully? How often do your leaders make the impact you need them to in these situations? How quickly? What are the consequences of failure, for the business and for the individual? Leaving these transitions to chance is gambling with your most important talent - and the future of your business. What can you do to mitigate that risk and maximise everyone's chances of success?
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