By Martin Collinson
June 6, 2023
Businesses that are committed to building a global presence have been selecting and developing leaders remotely for some time. As a result, our consultants have been involved in delivering remote assessments since around 2005. Since covid, more and more businesses have realised that leaders in global businesses have to lead people and generate teamwork remotely, rather than face-to-face. When we speak of leadership today there is no longer an assumption that people will be in the same room. It's vital to realise that leading people from a distance places different demands on a leader and makes new demands of the team. If you're looking for people to lead geographically distributed and remote-working teams you really need to assess their leadership capability in that context. Our consultants have assessed hundreds of senior leaders using remote assessments. It offers many advantages. A well-designed remote assessment enables you to create a truly immersive experience that faithfully represents the demands and challenges of the role you're recruiting for. This matters matters. Research shows that assessments that take into account the context in which leaders are being asked to perform are four times more accurate at predicting leadership potential than generic assessments. This means that the combination of bespoke content and realistic assessment methodology ensure your potential leaders and hires are demonstrating their capabilities in a simulation setting that is highly predictive of their actual capability and potential. Here's one example of such an assessment - a leadership simulation called SkyFly, co-created with a client to represent their specific business context: